Lower back complaints account for a majority of presentations seen in our practice. Various studies have shown that as many as 80% of adults will have lower back pain (LBP) at some time in our lives. It is estimated that the majority of people who experience LBP will self-resolve within one month. Unfortunately, LBP left untreated often leads to future episodes of increased severity, longer lasting and more frequent episodes.
A majority tend to think of back pain as something to be treated when it happens, instead of something that can be cared for and prevented through healthy lifestyle choices and maintaining good spinal health.
Most Australians do not seek care for their back pain. Women seek care for back pain more often than men and persons who have never married are less likely to seek care.
Back pain represents a massive health problem with significant financial and social burdens on our society. A study in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health estimated the direct cost of low back pain in Australia in 2001 to be $1.02 billion.
The vast majority of people consider back pain as something to treat when it happens, usually through over the counter or prescription drugs. However, while drugs may relieve pain temporarily, they do not address the underlying structural, nutritional and lifestyle habits and often allow the problem to become chronic and more difficult to resolve with future episodes.
For these reasons alone, we highly recommend you to contact us now and find out how we can help you feel the difference too.